Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Square Hue-Roppongi

Hi folks! Sorry I've been away for a while but I've been doing the job grind so I haven't really had time for polishing much, but I'm here today with the first of three Square Hue polishes for your viewing pleasure. The first one is Roppongi from the Tokyo Collection. If you recall, I reviewed the first polish from this one, Ginza a while back (you can check that out here), so part of what I'm doing over the next 3 days is to knock out the other 2 polishes in the collection.

This one is a smorgasbord of ideas. It's a glittery duochrome with extra hex glitter pieces thrown in for good measure. When looking at the bottle, it looks like a straight green polish, but when applied it actually takes on a copper tone until exposed to light, which really adds a cool effect. Only downside to this color is that it's very sheer, the pic you see here is 2 coats, so you'll probably need 3-4 for full coverage. I would still highly recommend it though if you can track it down through eBay or something similar.

Enjoy and Happy Polishing Peeps!

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