Friday, December 6, 2013

FNUG-Style Icon

Hey ladies and gents, sorry I've been away for a while, I've been having to deal with silly stuffs at work and home, so I've gotten seriously behind on my swatching, so over the next few days I'll have some stuff every day to even that out. First off is FNUG's Style Icon, which is a silvery color that's more of a light bronze.

Not gonna lie, was not a fan of the bottle and brush design. It's one thing to do up a small bottle, but when your brush is kinda tiny, it just becomes a pain in the posterior for application, same reasoning why I don't do Essie polishes that often. If you pick this up, just exercise caution as due to the bottle/brush, this can apply VERY streaky. That being said, this was awesome as a shade and one I'll probably go to when I want to wear something that will shine.

Have fun and Keep Polishing Peeps!

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